Protect Your Hay & Grazing
Acres with PRF

When rainfall levels are low, be sure your pasture and operation are protected.

Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) is a federally subsidized insurance program that protects from losses due to the lack of rainfall. PRF helps to offset expenses during dry times when additional costs for feed, destocking, or depopulating can occur.

Deadline to secure PRF coverage is December 1st!

How Does It Work?

The PRF program is area-based and uses a base value by county along with historic rainfall data and grids to determine coverage.

You can customize your coverage by choosing: 
  • Which intervals (2 month periods) you want to insure
  • A coverage level between 70 and 90 percent
  • The productivity factor to match the amount of protection to the value of your operation’s production

Note: PRF is not drought insurance. For informational purposed only. Contact an agent and policy documentation for full details.

Get a Custom PRF Quote from an FMH Agent

Why Choose PRF?

Rainfall varies year to year. Protect your operation when rainfall is below average. Watch this video to see if PRF is right for you.

Sample Calculation

With a 90% coverage level, a loss will trigger on the intervals whose rainfall index falls below an actual index value, or trigger index, of 90.  The rainfall index is based on interpolated data from multiple stations for that grid and interval.

Coverage Level – 90%
Productivity Factor – 110%
Share – 100%
Insured Acres – 500
Select three intervals:
Feb-March:  40% of value
April-May:  10% of value
Jun-Jul:  50% of value

Total Policy Protection = $31,482
Total Premium = $4,732
Subsidized at 51% = ($2,413)
Producer Premium = $2,319

Interval Trigger Index - Rainfall Index Resulting Value / Trigger Index x Policy Protection/Interval = Loss Payment
Feb-Mar 90 65.8 24.2 /90 $12,593 $3,386
Apr-May 90 93.3 0 /90 $3,148 $0
Jun-Jul 90 87 3 /90 $15,741 $525
TOTAL     $31,482  $3,911 


In this example, for $2,319 in premium, the producer has $31,482 coverage on 500 acres and receives a loss payment of $3,911 due to lack of rainfall based on their coverage elections. This sample is for example purposes only. Contact an FMH agent for full details.

Listen to PRF Podcast

Listen to the FMH InsureCast PRF episode to learn more about how PRF works and who it is right for.