How Does QuickBind Work?

The simple online-form binds Crop Hail coverage when electronically submitted by the agent.
- QuickBind asks for basic information: name, state, county, crop (irrigated and non-irrigated), requested plan of insurance and coverage.
- By using QuickBind, the insured agrees to insure all acres within the county for the crop(s) selected.
The agent has 72 hours to complete the application in the FMH Agent Center.
Both the agent and insured can have peace of mind knowing that crops are protected, even when the agent is away from their office.

QuickBind is available in all FMH states.
QuickBind can bind coverage on corn, soybeans, wheat, rice, cotton, dry beans, barley, sunflowers, canola, grain sorghum, oats, lentils, flax, buckwheat and field peas (ND only).
Plan Types
QuickBind is available for Crop Hail products only and does not include Multi-Peril or Production Plan policy types.
4 Easy Steps to Bind Coverage
Go to on a desktop or mobile device
Fill out the form with basic insured and coverage information.
Receive a confirmation email with all submitted information.
Within 72 hours, submit the formal application in FMHA and the coverage will be effective at the time the QuickBind submission was received.