A windstorm can damage your fields in a matter of minutes. Green Snap protects against losses from wind damage to your crops so that you’re financially covered.
Green Snap (GS) is an optional Crop Hail endorsement that provides protection against the severing or breaking of the stalk at a joint above the brace roots and below the ear as a result of natural wind and will prevent an ear from forming or prevent the harvesting of the ears by normal harvesting equipment.
- Five Green Snap deductibles are available: Full, XS5, DSX5, DSX10 or IP2-F
- Two policy combinations with Crop Hail coverage are available:
• Deductible hail coverage with either Full, XS5, DSX5, DSX10 GS
• Companion hail coverage with Full, XS5, DSX5, DSX10, or IP2-F GS
Additional Information
Covered Crops
Field corn, seed corn, sweet corn, and popcorn. All crop(s) may not be available in some states.
All acres of the same type of corn (as mentioned above) in which the insured has an interest in the county must be covered with the Green Snap endorsement.
When Does Coverage Attach
Coverage will attach once the crop has reached the seventh-leaf (V7) stage of growth.
Exclusions and Expiration Date of Coverage
Exclusions of this coverage include neglect, failure to properly care for the crop, other weather perils, insects, disease, chemicals, failure of ears to pollinate, or failure
to harvest the field corn in a timely manner.
Coverage under this endorsement will expire on September 15.
Coverage and deductible options vary by state, check with your FMH agent for availability.
Full Payout Formula
(Percent of Loss) x (Coverage per Acre)
Catastrophe Allowance applies.
XS5 Payout Formula
[(Percent of Loss) - (5)] x (Coverage per Acre)
When the loss exceeds 5%, the payable loss is the actual loss in excess of 5%.
DSX5 Payout Formula
[(Percent of Loss) - (5)] x (1.25) x (Coverage per Acre)
Any loss over the 5% deductible is multiplied by a factor of 1.25, except when the loss equals or exceeds 25%. After 25%, the policy pays like Full Coverage.
DSX10 Payout Formula
[(Percent of Loss) - (10)] x (1.25) x (Coverage per Acre)
When the loss equals or exceeds 50%, the policy pays like Basic Coverage. Catastrophe Allowance applies.
IP2-F Payout Formula
[(Percent of Loss) - (5)] x (2) x (Coverage per Acre)
You will receive full payment of loss up to a 10% loss, but a loss exceeding 10% will be calculated by the above
Full Coverage Policy
| DSX10 Deductible Policy
| IPF-2 Policy