FMH Environmental, Social, and Governance Impact

Farmers Mutual Hail has served America’s farmers for six generations. We plan to be around for at least another six. Through intentional environmental efforts, a commitment to diversity and well-being, and a dedication to doing what is right for both the business and our employees, agents, and farmers, we can fulfill our mission and vision for a better future.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide peace of mind to America’s farmers by protecting their livelihoods and legacies through complete farm insurance solutions; enabling them to clothe, feed, and fuel the world.


Responsive image

A Message From Our CEO

“FMH’s vision is to be a leading provider of financial security for America’s agricultural producers through innovative insurance solutions. In fulfilling this vision, we strive for the responsible use and management of natural resources, a dedication to employee welfare and community involvement, and a focus on sound corporate governance. It’s our commitment to making an impact yesterday, today, and tomorrow that builds our legacy for future generations.

- Shannon Rutledge, FMH President & CEO

Environmental Impact

How we safeguard the environment with conservation efforts and policy

Conservation and agriculture go hand in hand. From efforts inspired by FMH founder W.A. Rutledge to today’s technology-driven practices, FMH invests in systems and processes to reduce our carbon footprint and encourage America’s farmers to be better stewards of the land.

Governance Impact

How we guide the company with a focus on stability and hold each other accountable

Led by strong values and robust codes of conduct, FMH prides itself in sound governing practices that ensure the company will be here for generations to come. We not only invest in our people, but the industry as a whole to strengthen FMH and America’s ag safety net.