Solving Claim Problems With Precision Data

Find out what common claim problems Precision Crop Insurance Solutions™ can solve.

PROBLEM: Adjusting a loss can be a days-long process for the farmer.


Claims are validated with planting and harvest information, and the time it takes to gather all the required records can slow down the process. 

Newer policyholders may not have their farm unit structure set up yet, which can mean multiple adjuster appointments to collect and verify claims information

SOLUTION: FMH Precision Solutions reduces the time it takes to adjust a loss from days to hours. In some cases, a loss could be adjusted in less than an hour! 

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FMH Precision Solutions allows the farmer to report their planting and harvest information using their accurate precision data. With this, adjusters have less information to gather. 

Precision data can be used to validate records like planted acres for a claim, which means the adjuster may only need to meet once with the farmer. 

Did you know? An adjuster can still use precision records to adjust a loss, even if the policyholder didn't report their acres or production using precision data. If you haven't used FMH Precision Solutions yet, fall harvest is a great time to begin.


More on Precision Claims