ABS: Why Experience Matters

At the end of the day, the people make the difference. That’s why the Ag Brokerage Solutions™ team brings a combined four centuries’ worth of insurance industry experience to the table.

The team continues to expand to meet the growing needs of agent partners, now with six underwriting consultants along with a supportive management staff.

“When I was building my team, I knew I needed folks who were not only familiar with the ins and outs of insurance, but people who weren’t afraid to think creatively and liked to dive into unique and uncommon coverage needs. I needed people who enjoyed building relationships and solving problems,” said Chief Brokerage Officer Brent Walker.

With a wide range of personal and professional backgrounds, the ABS team is linked together through its common passion of providing ag insurance.

“When I started at the local county mutual 48 years ago, I never thought that I would have this long of a career in insurance,” said ABS underwriter Becky Lundberg. “I learned to care and really love helping our neighbors with their insurance needs. I’m looking forward to all the new ways that we can help our customers through ABS.” 

Many team members have ties to farming or live in small ag communities, which means they live and work every day alongside those who benefit the most from ABS’s ag-focused products.

“Having a dad, brother and husband who all farm, I have been around a row crop operation all of my life and understand the ins and outs of it,” said ABS underwriter Amy Oleson.

In addition to a knowledgeable staff, agents can expect friendly and responsive service.

“We returned home to begin farming nine years ago, and I started my insurance career with FMH in 2018, holding property, crop and commercial licenses,” said ABS office and agency assistant Lori Lorenzen. “I understand agricultural business needs, and I treat people respectfully - encouraging them, being mindful of their concerns.”

Get to know more of the ABS staff and back your agency with ag insurance experts. Go to www.AgBrokerageSolutions.com to get appointed or request a quote.

We Are

  • 4-H Members
  • Competitive Dressage Rider
  • Row Crop Farmers
  • Dog Owners
  • Horse Trainers
  • Hunters

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