Precision Solutions: Qualifying Crops

Did you know farmers can use precision equipment on any row crop? If they insure the crop through FMH, they can use Precision Crop Insurance Solutions to make the reporting and claims processes faster and easier!

Planting the Seed - July 2019


Did you know farmers can use precision equipment on any row crop?

If they insure the crop through FMH, they can use Precision Crop Insurance Solutions to make the reporting and claims processes faster and easier!




What crops qualify for precision solutions?

When a farmer plants or harvests the following crops, their precision equipment can capture the appropriate data that can be used for Precision Crop Insurance Solutions. 

  • Corn
  • Soybeans
  • Grain Sorghum
  • Wheat
  • Cotton
  • Rice
  • Dry Peas
  • Dry Beans
  • Peanuts
  • Millet
  • Barley
  • Flax
  • Sugar Beets
  • Potatoes
What if precision equipment only works during planting or harvest?

Depending on the crop and type of equipment, precision data might only be captured during planting or harvest. A farmer does not need to report acres using Automated Crop Reporting (ACR) to be eligible to report precision data for acreage or crop production reporting. However, for Precision Claims both planting and harvest data must be captured with precision data.  




Take rice for example...

Planting: Most rice is planted by a method called "drill-seeding," which can capture the right precision data to use for acreage reporting via ACR. The other method, called "aerial-seeding," does not record data to the accuracy needed to report via ACR.

Harvest: Rice harvest operations can be recorded with precision equipment, but it is very difficult for a farmer to achieve the correct calibration requirements for a Precision Claim. Fortunately, newer combines are now available that provide more accurate data that can potentially be used for crop insurance purposes.